Monday, September 30, 2019

Existentialism & Fight Club Essay

?From an existentialism point of view, there is no right or wrong choice, since one gives an action value by the virtue of choosing it. Choices can only be judged on how involved the decision maker is when making it. Judging by this standard, the narrator is justified in killing Tyler, since he fully became involved in choosing to both accept and reject Tyler’s values by that action. â€Å"Existentialism’s first move is to make every man aware of what he is and to make the full responsibility of his existence rest on him. † In my essay, I shall first discuss how shooting Tyler is crucial in allowing the narrator to achieve the first move in embracing existentialism. He acts as the catalyst for the narrator to make the first move in existentialism: being aware of what he is by acknowledging all his primal instincts and assuming responsibility for his existence. Tyler does so through his acts of escalating violence and atrocity to provoke the narrator to confront both who he is and his responsibilities, culminating finally in his own death. I shall also discuss the theme of consumerism as portrayed in the movie, and how the decision of shooting Tyler relates to the narrator’s interpretation of this theme. The narrator had been hesitant to assume full responsibility for his existence at the start of the movie. He dislikes his present circumstances- he is jaded with his current job and lacks a clear purpose, as illustrated by the quote †A single serving package, a single serving†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Once he consumes the single serving, he is done. He makes a fleeting impression in someone else’s life before he fades from their memory. He feels his existence is meaningless because he has no connections with anyone. He is not content with the present state he is in, but makes no active effort to consciously define his own existence. He shows bad faith in this respect, because he deceives himself into believing that he lacks complete freedom of involvement in making this decision. He is a coward by Sartre’s definition: â€Å"Those who hide their complete freedom from themselves out of a spirit of seriousness or by means of deterministic excuses. † He possesses the desire to redefine his existence by rebelling against the values in society, but this conflicts with his conscious mind (the ego), which restraints him from doing anything socially unacceptable. His conscious mind hides these unacceptable desires in the subconscious mind, coming up with excuses that prevent the narrator from fulfilling these desires. Eventually, the repressed energy from these unconscious desires resulted in the fracturing of the ego itself- into two conscious minds, hence resulting in the manifestation of Tyler. Tyler represents everything that the narrator subconsciously wishes to be. He is the personification of the ID itself, representing the narrator’s repressed death instincts (our innate instinct for survival), aggression instincts (instincts for violence), and the libido. Before he meets Tyler, the narrator is defines his existence though furniture he purchases and assembles from IKEA. He attempts to make himself into a being-in-itself, believing his perfect state of existence can be reached by purchasing that last piece of furniture he needs. When the narrator’s house was bombed, annihilating the means by which he defines his existence, the narrator felt as though his existence itself was erased. â€Å"Every stick of furniture in there was my life. † Tyler teaches him not to rely on material goods but to define his existence by his actions. The fight club thus became the new means through which the narrator could define himself through acts of fighting. The narrator learns to revel in violence and physical pain as a means of defining his existence and to transcend the physical limits of the body. He achieves the first step of self-awareness by satisfying his primal instincts for aggression. His first epiphany occurs when he realizes Tyler is himself. In a sense, he realized that he (as Tyler) is free and capable of inventing and creating himself as whom he chooses to be. This is an important step because he now wants to assume responsibility for his existence. His second epiphany occurs when he shoots Tyler, and thus himself. On the first level, the narrator acknowledges his death instincts by confronting his fear of pain and death. He accepts Tyler’s ideas of experiencing death so as to be fully conscious of his physical existence. When he shoots Tyler, he does so with the awareness that he is shooting himself. This is the final step he needs to take in order to be fully aware of what he is. On the second level, by rejecting Tyler’s nihilistic ideas of destroying institutions and value systems, he chooses what values to stand for and thus creates his own purpose for himself. â€Å"In choosing his ethics, Man makes himself. † He also translates the belief in these values into the actual action of shooting Tyler, thus defining his existence through actual action. On the third level, by shooting Tyler, he assumes responsibility for all of Man, not just himself. He assumes responsibility for Man because he invents what Man should be: one who does not act in an uncaring and destructive manner towards others. On the fourth level, shooting Tyler allows the narrator to be defined in a way he wishes to be defined in the eyes of the â€Å"other†. Shooting Tyler is crucial towards removing the existence of Project Mayhem. He does not want Marla to find out about Project Mayhem because he will then lose his connections with her. It is important to the narrator to have a close relationship with Marla. Firstly, she is the only surviving real human being he has a close relationship with in the movie. Secondly, Marla, playing the role of the â€Å"other†, allows him to seek out knowledge about his existence and she is the condition for his existence. By shooting Tyler, he prevents the loss of this â€Å"other† that is crucial for his existence. Important themes discussed in the movie include consumerism. To be specific, it shows how the modern consumerist society affects Man’s determination of his existence. In Sartre’s words, how a change in the â€Å"a priori limits which outline man’s fundamental situation in the universe† affects Man’s determination of his existence with respect to these limits. According to Sartre, all configurations â€Å"either appear as attempts to pass beyond them or recede from them or deny them or adapt to them†. Consumerism imposes limits on Man to work and to consume, because only if Man works can he consume, and he can consume only if he works. He is emasculated because he is unable to fulfill his natural role as a hunter-gatherer as dictated to him by biology. Man is limited or restricted in the sense he is unable to fulfill his primitive instincts. As seen in the movie, Tyler tries to pass beyond these limits by destroying symbols of consumerism, such as credit card companies, so as to â€Å"return to Ground Zero†. Since many people define their existence by numbers in their bank accounts, destroying the bank records will erase their previous existence and allow them to create their existence anew, much like how the narrator’s apartment was bombed so that he could create his new existence through Fight Club. Tyler’s ultimate goal seems to be changing the limits by which people define their existence by. He envisions the destruction of modern civilization, and a regression back to a more primitive hunter gatherer state. â€Å"In the world I see you are stalking elk through the same canyon forests around the ruins of Rock feller Centre†. In the world he envisions, the new limits by which people will define themselves with respect to are undoubtedly physical strength and prowess. On the other hand, the narrator, like so many of us today, adapts to these limits by embracing consumerism as indoctrinated into him by society through advertisements. He avidly purchases IKEA furniture and defines his existence by these material goods. In Tyler’s words, he works jobs he hates so he can buy shit he doesn’t need. He assumes that his furniture uniquely defines him as a person, from the â€Å"glass bowls with imperfections made by the simple and honest people of wherever† to â€Å"his yin-yang coffee table†, while missing the irony that IKEA is a chain-store that mass produces furniture. He is no other different from many other consumers of IKEA who believe that their furniture is unique on virtue of it being selected by them. At the end of the movie, the narrator realizes he needs to strike a balance between the two opposing configurations, one that is in the pre-consciousness state, afraid to confront his freedom, and the other that embraces existentialism and freedom to the point of reckless destruction. Shooting Tyler thus allows him to reunite his opposing configurations and strike a middle balance. Marla is an example of how a person recedes from limits that outline the human condition. She does not know what values to choose to define her existence. As a result, she adopts a nihilistic attitude and attempts to hit rock-bottom by trying to court death. Lastly, another important theme in the movie is that of mental pain. Many characters in the movie experience mental pain because they are unable to reject the â€Å"being in itself† others force upon them. Thus, they cannot achieve a true state of â€Å"being for itself† This is because we â€Å"perceive others as a condition of our own existence†, as how Sartre puts it. According to Sartre, once we realize we exist, we realize the existence of others who are free to define us according to how they view us. We are objectified in the eyes of others because others view us as a â€Å"being in itself†. We lose our freedom through their perception of us. Only we looking back and viewing others as objects can we regain our freedom. Bob is viewed as a man who has lost his masculinity. He accepts this â€Å"being in itself†, believing that he is condemned to this fixed and unchanging physical body. Thus, he suffers mental pain because he does not reject the attempts of â€Å"being in itself† others force upon him by realizing his freedom to create his own existence. The narrator similarly suffers from accepting the â€Å"being in itself† society forces upon him- as a member of society whose purpose is to work, to consume and to obey his superiors. His ideal self-image is that of a strong and ruthless primal human being. However, he dares not embrace his freedom to reject this â€Å"being for itself† and work towards the transcendent goal of his ideal self-image. Thus, his mental pain caused Tyler to manifest, who violently abuses the narrator to symbolize the mental pain the narrator is experiencing. Tyler tries to push the narrator to be fully aware of his unconscious desires, and to assume responsibility for his freedom. Only when he confronts this mental pain (Tyler’s physical abuse) can he reject â€Å"being for itself† and achieve true â€Å"being-for-itself†, the state where he is constantly and freely choosing his future. His decision to shoot Tyler was justified-because he is freely choosing to reject Tyler’s destructive ideas, and to transcend his initial transcendent goal of becoming Tyler. In conclusion, the movie has strong themes of existentialism running through it. The act of shooting Tyler was justified because it signifies the first step of existentialism for the narrator- he becomes fully aware of what he is, and assumes full responsibility of his existence. It also shows how human beings may choose to define themselves with respect to the limits of the world they exist in. Lastly, shooting Tyler allows the narrator to confront his mental pain and reach the true state of â€Å"being for itself†.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Who’s Responsible for Obesity?

Obesity is everybody’s responsibility – the parents and the school authorities, the fast food companies, and the government. Since the issue is now a societal problem after reaching epidemic proportions, it deserves no less than the attention of everybody to deal with obesity. (Raley & Burnor, n.d.)Hence, it is only proper to point out the individual accountabilities of these sectors of society and compel them to do their share in combating the problem.While the responsibility of providing a healthy diet to children primarily belongs to the parents, school authorities are also duty-bound to inculcate into the minds of schoolchildren the correct values of nutrition.Such are the duties assigned them by society: the former being the persons who have the obligation, under the laws of God and country, of nourishing their offsprings, the latter being the individuals who are in the best position to influence the young minds of children. If only the parents and the teachers hav e been doing their duties faithfully, fast food outlets would not have succeeded in causing obesity.Even as fast foods companies have the right to advertise their products, such right does not free them of their moral obligation to warn the public about the adverse effects of their foods. The U.S. constitution itself would only allow the exercise of one’s rights as long as doing so does not deprive others of their own rights. In this context, fast foods companies are within their right to engage in gainful enterprise but they should not do so at the expense of the public’s health.Even if the court exempted them from any legal liability after observing that everybody knows that fast foods contain â€Å"high levels of cholesterol, fat, salt and sugar, and that such attributes are bad for one,† the court’s legal opinion is not a moral judgment. The harmful effects of cigarettes are also well-known, but the law compels cigarette manufacturers to continuously warn the public. Why not oblige fast foods companies to do the same? (Raley & Burnor, n.d.)ReferenceRaley, Y. & Burnor, R. (n.d.). Case 1: Who’s Responsible for Obesity? (Article provided with  

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Analyzing Aristotle Essay

The soul and the body are different forms. While the body is visible and mortal, the soul is invisible and immortal. He suggests that although the body dies and decays, the soul continues to exist. I do believe there is life after death, everyone must eventually die, and it cannot be avoided. However, even though death is a fact of life, it is a topic that many people prefer not to talk about. This avoidance of discussion is usually due to the denial of one’s own death and the denial is usually due to fear. The fear is, for many people, a fear of the unknown. In my opinion i believe that when humans die, the body and the brain dies, but the mind still exists and it creates our afterlife according to our own beliefs and expectations. If a person believes there in nothing after death then there will not be a dream, it will be as if the person is asleep forever without dreaming. 2) Yes, I agree that the universe is purposeful. The purpose of the creation, every though you have is creating your tomorrow. The universe has mysterious ways of revolving what we do day by day. For example Karma: The sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in life. – Aristotle said: â€Å"Yet there is God, though not perhaps the simple and human god conceived by the forgivable anthropomorphism of the adolescent mind. † Aristotle represents God as self-conscious spirit. A rather mysterious spirit; for Aristotle God’s never does anything; he has no desires, no will, no purpose; he is activity so pure that he never acts. He is absolutely perfect; therefore cannot desire anything; therefore He does nothing. His only occupation is to contemplate the essence of things; and since He himself is the essence of all things, the form of all forms, his sole employment is the contemplation of himself.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Finance assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Finance - Assignment Example These Advisory services provide the clients to grow. A Financer: as a financer it provides their clients i.e. the local, state and national governments to finance and expand the infrastructure. It also works for the clients to transact, support, manage, innovate and invest (The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (GS), 2015). The profit on the investments is known as the rate of return, it can be of two types. Firstly are the Dividends that paid to the shareholders out of the profits of the organization in the form of returns of the investments made by the shareholders. The dividend rate is announced by the Board of Directors of the organization. Secondly, the return is in the form of Capital Gain/Loss. Mostly, the capital gain is reinvested by the shareholders to get new shares of the company. The total return can be calculated by adding the Dividends and the Capital Gain. Where Rs denotes the rate of return from investment in the company’s shares, DY denotes the dividend yield that provides investors the idea about the actual percentage of returns paid out to the shareholders in the form of dividends, and CG is the capital gain that shareholders can achieve from their holding in the company’s shares. The dividend yield can be calculated using the following formula. Where, D1 is the dividend expected in period 1 that is determined by applying an estimated growth rate of dividends to the dividend paid in period 0, P0 refers to the price of the company’s shares in period 0 and P1 is the stock price in period 1. It helps in measuring the risk of change in the value of the company’s stock in relation to the change in the value of the market index. It is mainly used to compare the risk of one stock with other stocks. The measure can help investors make their investment decisions based on their risk assessment and acceptance of risk. The value of beta equal to 1 represents that

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Foreign Investment In Brazil Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Foreign Investment In Brazil - Research Paper Example A country’s external environment will play a key role in facilitating as well as dampening new entering foreign firms. External environment constitutes various factors particularly cultural, political, economic and legal factors. To initiate and actualize a successful entry, firms have to study all these external environmental factors in-depth, so they can formulate apt strategies including entry strategies, recruitment strategies, marketing strategies, operational strategies, etc, etc. Only when studying these factors, the organizations and the management team will come across various aspects, which may aid them to carry out a successful entry as well as aspects, which may impede them in the entry. So, there will be advantages as well as challenges. For example, the South American country of Brazil has some distinct environmental factors, which will surely act as an advantage as well as challenge for the new firms, who are planning to enter it. This is applicable to the cell phone firms as well. So, this paper will analyze the designated foreign market of Brazil, by summarizing its different external environmental factors that could make an impact on the cell phone company, which is planning to enter Brazil. Brazil is a land of diversity and so its external environmental factors of culture, political, economic, lifestyle, etc is also of very diverse nature. Historically speaking, Brazil became the land for the migrants from different parts of the world. From early centuries and during the colonial period, Native Americans, Portuguese from European continent and the Africans started settling in Brazil and formed the bulk of Brazilian population. This coexistence and mixing of three groups of population and importantly their culture lead to the evolution of the basic Brazilian culture. Then, more European and Asian migrants started arriving in Brazil in the late 19th century and mingled with the

Breafly abour Global Warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Breafly abour Global Warming - Essay Example This study demonstrates that this effects has led to low agricultural productions which is the source of gross domestic production (GDP) and therefore the global warming effects are depriving most third world countries of their income obtained from agricultural activities. The government has a key role to play in counteracting global warming effects and this is enacting laws that penalize violators of global warming based laws. The political will of the government is to impose legitimacy and authority of the orchestrated policy. On the other hand the public has their role also to play to counter global warming effects. Such roles include; implementing environmental protection policies such policies include using public transport such as trains as much as possible in order to reduce the number of personal cars that emit fossil fuel to the environment, companies reducing their factory exhaust fumes and conserving electricity use by using energy saving bulb. It was interesting in reading how global warming occurs when the sun’s rays penetrate the depleted ozone layer. How the sun rays mix with the green house gases that prevent them from bouncing back to the earths atmosphere.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Business Law, Aunty Ems Catering School Ltd Case Study

Business Law, Aunty Ems Catering School Ltd - Case Study Example With reference to the first letter received by Emilia, a former student of the college has claimed compensation arising from the theft of her purse and bag from her assigned locker, while attending a one-day course at the college. However, the company’s managing director has straightforwardly denied that the Aunty Em’s Catering School Ltd is liable for this loss and thus defend her statement by pinpointing the exclusion clause â€Å"Aunty Em’s Catering School Ltd is not liable for any loss, theft or damage to valuables left in storage lockers.† Correspondingly, the subsequent discussion aims at investigating the rules relative to formulation of exclusion clauses to determine whether this clause excludes the company in respect of this loss. Besides, the discussion will assess whether it can be constructed to exclude liability in this situation assuming that exclusion clause is incorporated into the student’s contract. â€Å"Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977† can be apparently observed to have radical influence on the application of exclusion clause. According to this Act, exclusion clause is defined as a clause, which governs to exclude or limit liability for breach of contract and violation of implied terms or misrepresentation (Crown, 2014). On further note, it is determined that a contracting party who desires to include exclusion clause in a contract and resort upon it is ought to understand the following three requirements: Notably, the case law of Olley v Marlborough Court Hotel (1949) can be taken into concern for discussion in order to examine and acquire substantial understanding regarding the liability of the company. In this case, a hotel room was booked by the claimant Mrs Olley. A contract was made at the reception desk where an exclusion clause was not mentioned. At the back of the door, a notice displaying exclusion clause excluding hotel owners for any lost, theft or damaged property was illustrated. It was observed that a fur coat of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Civil Disobedience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Civil Disobedience - Essay Example The philosophy behind civil disobedience goes back to classical and biblical sources. Perhaps its most influential exposition can be found in Henry David Thoreau's On the Duty of Civil Disobedience (1849), in which he claims that the individual, who grants the state its power in the first place, must follow the dictates of conscience in opposing unjust laws. (Carton 1998) Thoreau's work had an enormous impact on Mohandas Gandhi and the techniques that he employed first to gain Indian rights in South Africa and later to win independence for India. Gandhi developed the notion of satyagraha [Sanskrit: holding to truth], acts of civil disobedience marked by Indian tradition and his own high moral standards and sense of self-discipline. Attracting a huge number of followers from the Indian public, Gandhi was able to use the technique as an effective political tool and play a key role in bringing about the British decision to end colonial rule of his homeland. His was one of the few relati vely unqualified successes in the history of civil disobedience. Civil disobedience in the United States traditionally has been associated with those on the left of the political spectrum, as were most participants in the anti-Vietnam War movement, but toward the end of the 20th century the strategy also began to be employed by those on the right, for example, by those involved in confron

Monday, September 23, 2019

What is Osteoporosis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

What is Osteoporosis - Essay Example After the maximal bone mass is attained at the age 30, the rate of bone loss for both gender is approximately 0.5% per year, and it increase to approximately 1% per year or more in menopausal women. This is so because, estrogen acts indirectly to suppress bone re-sorption, an action reduced/absent during menopause. Poor nutrition or an age-related decrease in intestinal absorption of calcium because of deficient activation of vitamin D is a culprit of the prevalence of Osteoporosis among elderly. "In the United States, 10 million people already have osteoporosis. Millions more have low bone mass, or osteopenia, placing them at increased risk for more serious bone loss and subsequent fractures"."Hip fractures are common and are often devastating in the geriatric population". Other risk factors found to be associated with this disease include, smoking, alcohol ingestion and genetic predisposition. As with the case at hand patient Hunt manifested almost all of the indicated risk factors , having had hysterectomy at the age 45 inducing early menopause, smoking and alcohol consumption and most of all, a history of calcium and Vitamin D deficiency as evidenced by Rickets disease in her childhood. Weight-bearing exercises like jogging, walking, rowing and weight lifting are important in maintaining bone mass. "Studies have indicated that pre-menopausal women need more than 1000mg and post-menopausal women needs 1500mg of calcium daily" (Andrews. 1998). This means that adults should drink 3 to 4 glasses of milk daily or substitute other foods that are high in calcium (Bukata & Rosier. 2000). Calcium supplements and a daily intake of 400-800 IU of Vitamin D is recommended because the latter optimizes calcium absorption and inhibits parathyroid secretion, stimulating calcium re-sorption from the bone (Weinstein & Ullery. 2000). Estrogen Therapy is the single most powerful intervention to reduce the incidence and progression of osteoporosis. If commenced immediately after menopause prevents early-stage bone loss and provides beneficial effects if administered throughout the eight decade of women's years (Gambert Et. Al. 1995). Women with breast cancer, active liver disease, a hist ory of blood clots, or unexplained vaginal bleeding should, under no circumstance, go on HRT (Cooper). Additionally women who have migraine headaches, high triglycerides, gallbladder or chronic liver disease, a history of cancer of the uterus or ovaries, fibroids, history of endometriosis, or a history of exposure to the estrogen DES should go under careful evaluation before even considering HRT (Hueseman, 2002). Active treatment of osteoporosis uses four types of agents; gonadal hormones (estrogen), calcitonin, fluorides and biphosphonates. Calcitonin can be used to decrease osteoclastic activity. Although the risk of endometrial cancer is increased with hormone therapy, risk is reduced with subsequent administration of progestin (Riggs & Melton. 1992). In the cases where fracture is involved, management includes immobilization, pain medication, early ambulation and wound care. Surgical intervention is done for stable fracture fixation that allows early restoration of mobility and functions; this means early weight bearing. Walking and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Green River company Essay Example for Free

Green River company Essay Aberdeen facility is focused on the production of special missile canisters for US Navy. The peculiarity of the production lies in its extraordinary complexity. Canisters have many features that require special attention and careful assembling. Thus, the commitment of workers is the issue of crucial importance. Otherwise, the quality of product will suffer, which is absolutely inadmissible with regard to the nature of production. The privileged position of Aberdeen plant lies in the fact that it doesn’t actually have any competitors. It works for the only customer US Navy. However, it contains hidden threats as well, because there is always a chance of neglecting a quality of product knowing that there is no fight for a customer. The Aberdeen plant was started five years ago without using unions to regulate pay scales and define various job descriptions. It employs 100 employees and is much smaller in size than the Green River facility. The production line utilizes three-quarters of its employees. Bob Lancaster – the founder and the first manager of the plant first introduced the innovative participative management. Lancaster based his management theory on â€Å"doing the right thing, trust and if you can fix it, do it†. This functioned as a collective, it took away fear from doing or not doing what is needed to complete a task and it also gave each individual the responsibility of solving a problem without having to go through a chain of command to get results. Ken Dailey, Green River plant manager, is intrigued with the management processes at the FMC Aberdeen facility and thus is willing to implement similar changes at Green River. Dailey is a progressive manager and wants to innovate the Green River plant with a progressive style of management as well as three new plants that the corporation plans on building. The major organizational issue pertaining to the possible changes is that of an organizational structure. Obviously, within the Green River plant we notice usual linear structure of organization where authority is delegated from the top to the bottom, from the higher manager to the manager of the lower level. There is a direct relationship between superior and subordinate, with each subordinate responsible to only one person. Line relationships are associated with functional or departmental division of work and organizational control. Line managers have authority and responsibility for all matters and activities within their own department (Sterman, 2000). It means that organizational structure at Green River doesn’t suppose any personal initiative or any social interaction beyond the processes and functions defined. Moreover, linear structure also doesn’t suppose any group discussions, since major decisions are taken above. In contrary, Aberdeen facility has more flat organizational structure, when every employee can turn to the higher level one with an initiative, complaint or offer. Such an organizational structure presupposes more communication and thus has greater impact on employee’s motivation. Flat organizational structure kills the fear towards management in employees and create more favorable working atmosphere. Considering two different types of organizational structure within two facilities, it is possible to say that organizational structure actually impacts the organizational culture and the way people perceive themselves and their importance to the organization, treat each other and behave i. e. working atmosphere that exists. (Brislin, 1993) Thus, in Green River company, people are brought together based on defined roles within the structure of the organization. The nature of the tasks to be done is a predominant feature within this facility. Management, certain rules and relationships, identify goals and norms of behavior are established. Thus, Green River’s organizational culture is very formal. As it was mentioned before, employees do not have a chance and stimulus to socially interact with each other, share their ideas and experience. It is possible to identify Green River’s organizational culture as the one of total control and power from the center. At Aberdeen, in contrary, organizational culture is more people oriented, â€Å"humanized† and caring. This so-called â€Å"human† approach to management has resulted, in particular, in active interaction between employees, as well as in the fact that 30% of all employees were represented by women and 8% by minorities. It helped to create a positive image of the plant in the yes of Aberdeen community and people outside as well.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

History of the Piano

History of the Piano Blake Stutts The piano is a string percussion instrument which makes sound with vibrations. The cause of vibrations are the hammers inside the piano which strike the strings, and then the vibration of the strings is transmitted to a soundboard. Even though the sounding system of early and modern piano is pretty similar, there are some differences between of them. The modern piano has a cast-iron frame capable of withstanding the tremendous tension of the strings which makes a louder sound than earlier ones. Modern hammers are covered with felt, but earlier generations hammers were covered with leather. On the other hand, early piano had wood frames, and they could only lightly string. The piano is a well-made instrument that can be traced back through the centuries to create masterpieces. The piano is the most popular instrument. It is not too much to say that more people know how to play the piano than any other instrument. The piano has been many things and performed many tasks. The history of making the piano and different piano technique has had a lot of development since the 18th century. There were many forms of piano system and techniques in earlier times. A lot of attempts and efforts since then have created a well-done and popular instrument. Many musicians used the piano to create their well-known music pieces. These are only examples of differences between past and present pianos. In fact, there are many differences between the two kinds of instrument. The first piano was invented in Florence, Italy in 1700 by Bartolomeo Cristofori, a craftsman who repaired harpsichords for Italys royal court (Hoover, Adams and Rucker). He conceived Gravecembalo col piano e forte, which is a harpsichord which can produce soft and loud sounds, in 1709. In the mid-18th century, the piano had become widely popular. (Ehrlich) Throughout the centuries piano occupied a dominant place in music and society from Mozart to modern day music. Piano is the origin to most music due to the fact that the piano allows you to use all ten fingers to produce ten different notes and pitches including the use of your feet. Many pianos have had pedals or levers that comes in three causing the music to become softer, longer, or louder known as the soft pedal (una corda), sostenuto, and sustain pedal (23-24). The word piano is a shortened form of pianoforte, the Italian term for the early 1700s versions of the instrument, which derives from gravicembalo col piano e forte[1] and fortepiano (Fine and Gilbert). The piano was influenced on earlier innovations in keyboard instruments such as the clavichord and the harpsichord. In a clavichord, the strings are struck by tangents, while in a harpsichord, they are mechanically plucked by quills when the performer depresses the key (23-24). Over the centuries as the harpsichord developed the mechanic had shown instrument builders the most effective ways to construct the case, soundboard, bridge, and mechanical action for a keyboard intended to sound strings. A popular medium for musicians to create musical masterpieces, Pianos started to rise during the baroque, classical, and the romantic period. Well known composer and musician that used the piano to create their masterpiece are Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, Frederic Chopin, Franz Liszt, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. There are four types of vertical pianos, which is based on the pianos height: Spinet, Console, Studio, and the Upright. The standard width of an upright piano is about 5 and the depth is between 2 2ÂÂ ½. The total floor space should be about 5 wide by 5 deep, including bench space. The height of the piano makes no difference in the floor space needed but it makes a major difference in the quality of sound the piano produces (Types Sizes of Pianos Bluebook of Pianos). The size is measured from the floor to the top of the lid. The spinet piano is the smallest of the vertical pianos because of the dropped action that transfers the force of striking the key to the hammer strike-ng the string. The console is the most popular of the vertical pianos due to the speed of the hammer. The additional height of the studio piano gives it a richness and tonal quality comparable to those of many grand pianos. The upright piano is the final vertical piano that is the tallest of the vertical p ianos. The grand pianos is the only type of horizontal piano, but it has many sizes due to the width and length that influence the volume and the tone quality of the piano (Types Sizes of Pianos Bluebook of Pianos). Having a piano is a pain in the butt to the fact pianos are very heavy yet delicate instruments. They require professional piano movers to use special techniques for transporting both uprights and grands pianos to prevent any damage. Pianos need regular tuning to keep them on pitch and regular maintenance to ensure the felt hammers and key mechanisms are functioning properly. The tuning of a piano involves the adjustment of the tensions of the pianos strings. Aligning the intervals among their tones so that the instrument is in tune[2]. The relationship between two pitches, called an interval, is the ratio of their absolute frequencies. Two different intervals are perceived as the same when the pairs of pitches involved share the same frequency ratio. The easiest intervals to identify, and the easiest intervals to tune, are those that are just, meaning they have a simple whole-number ratio (Fine and Gilbert). The construction and components of a piano can be difficult because they ca n have an upward of 12,000 individual parts, supporting six functional features: keyboard, hammers, dampers, bridge, soundboard, and strings. Most pianos now a day the casing is made of hardwood, typically hard maple or beech. The first electric pianos from the late 1920s used metal strings with a magnetic pickup[3], an amplifier and a loudspeaker. Pressing keys on the electric pianos has the same action as a regular piano. Pressing keys causes mechanical hammers to strike metal strings, metal reeds or wire tines, leading to vibrations which are converted into electrical signals by magnetic pickups, which are then connected to an instrument amplifier and loudspeaker to make a sound loud enough for the performer and audience to hear (Ehrlich). Most people think the electric piano is the same thing as the electronic pianos, but they are the totally opposite. Electronic pianos are non-acoustic; they do not have strings, tines or hammers, but are a type of synthesizer that simulates or imitates piano sounds using oscillators and filters that synthesize the sound of an acoustic piano (Dacies). Luckily with the electronic pianos maintenances is not require regularly. They are really inexpensive due to their popu larity in pop and rock music in the 1960s and 1970s (Hoover, Adams and Rucker). They also allow a person to practice with a headphone on to avoid disturbing others. Digital pianos are also non-acoustic and do not have strings or hammers because they use a digital sampling technology to accurately reproduce the acoustic sound of each piano note, while connected to a keyboard amplifier and speaker to produce sound The piano is one of the most beautiful sounding instruments that can range in sound from as low as a water well, to as high as the sky. It has evolved over time and become an amazing instrument. We can thank Bartolomeo Cristofori for his hard work. The piano was accepted very well in history and it has generated many changes in the music industry. The piano was also used a lot in society and has had many applications grow from it. Without it, many classical masterpieces as well as modern songs wouldnt have been possible. Work Cited Dacies, Hugh. The New Gravoe Dictionary of Music and Musicians (Second edition). London: Macmillan, 2001. Book. Ehrlich, Cyril. The Piano: A History. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990. Bool. Fine, Larry and Douglas R Gilbert. The Piano Book: Buying and Owning a New or Used Piano (4th ed.). Brookside Press, 2001. Book. Hoover, et al. Piano Notes: History. 2001. Web. 10 October 2016. . Kamien, Roger. Music An Appreciation 8th Brief. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2015. Book. Pianos, Bluebook of. Types Sizes of Pianos Bluebook of Pianos. 2015. Web. 8 October 2016. . [1] Pollens (1995, 238) [2] A particular fixed set of pitches. [3] a transducer that captures or senses mechanical vibrations from stringed instruments

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Dream of Oenghus :: essays research papers

The Dream of Oenghus The Celtic myth, "The Dream of Oenghus," relates the tale of Oenghus the Celtic god of love and his long search for true love. Oenghus is the son of Boann and Daghdhae. Boann the white cow goddess, and Daghdhae the father of all gods, the "good god." In a dream Oenghus sees "the loveliest figure in Ireland†¦" His memory of this vision makes him ill with loneliness and he begins to waste away. With the help of his mother, and another of his fathers' sons, Bodhbh, he begins his search for the girl he dreamt of. When, after years, he successfully completes his search the lovers' travels to Bruigh Mac, his home. Chronologically and geographically distant, Apuleius second century record of the original Greek myth of Cupid and Psyche also relates a story of amorous pursuit. In Apuleius account Psyche is the most beautiful of all mortals. "The fame of her surpassing beauty spread over the earth†¦Ã…’and men? would even say that Venus herself could not equal this mortal." Out of jealousy, Venus commands Cupid to make Psyche fall in love with "the vilest and most despicable creature in the whole world." However, dispatched on his errand Cupid is astonished by her beauty and "as if he had shot one of his arrows into his own heart" falls completely in love with her. Cupid dumbfounded by the love he suddenly feels carries Psyche off. Although Psyche is never able to gaze on Cupid she is confident of the love her unseen paramour expresses in the dark each night. Eventually, prompted by her unbelieving and somewhat envious sisters she lights a lamp and discovers that her lover is Cupid. Unfortunately, Cupid hurt by both the oil sputtering from the lamp and her faithlessness fees. Psyche deeply grieved by her lack of faith and subsequent loss of love pledges to search for Cupid forever. "I can spend the rest of my life searching for him. If he has no more love left for me, at least I can show him how much I love him." Eventually after many trials and tribulations, largely at the inspiration of the still jealous Venus, she is reunited with Cupid and comes to live the live of the immortals. These myths share a common fundamental theme. In both instances, the myths document a love between a mortal and a god. Moreover, both of the courtship's involve long periods of separation, difficult and desperate journeys in pursuit of the beloved, and deep ongoing uncertainty as to the ultimate outcome of the fat of the lovers. Clearly, it is not unreasonable to contend

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Human Cloning - The Greatest Danger is Ignorance :: Cloning Argumentative Persuasive Argument

Human Cloning – The Greatest Danger is Ignorance The successful cloning of an adult sheep—in which the sheep's DNA was inserted into an unfertilized sheep egg to produce a lamb with identical DNA—generated an outpouring of ethical concerns. These concerns are not about Dolly, the now famous sheep, nor even about the considerable impact cloning may have on the animal breeding industry, but rather about the possibility of cloning humans. For the most part, however, the ethical concerns being raised are exaggerated and misplaced, because they are based on erroneous views about what genes are and what they can do. The danger, therefore, lies not in the power of the technology, but in the misunderstanding of its significance. Producing a clone of a human being would not amount to creating a "carbon copy"— an automaton of the sort familiar from science fiction. It would be more like producing a delayed identical twin. And just as identical twins are two separate people—biologically, psychologically, morally and legally, though not genetically—so a clone is a separate person from his or her non-contemporaneous twin. To think otherwise is to embrace a belief in genetic determinism—the view that genes determine everything about us, and that environmental factors or the random events in human development are utterly insignificant. The overwhelming consensus among geneticists is that genetic determinism is false. As geneticists have come to understand the ways in which genes operate, they have also become aware of the myriad ways in which the environment affects their "expression." The genetic contribution to the simplest physical traits, such as height and hair color, is significantly mediated by environmental factors. And the genetic contribution to the traits we value most deeply, from intelligence to compassion, is conceded by even the most enthusiastic genetic researchers to be limited and indirect. Indeed, we need only appeal to our ordinary experience with identical twins—that they are different people despite their similarities— to appreciate that genetic determinism is false. Furthermore, because of the extra steps involved, cloning will probably always be riskier—that is, less likely to result in a live birth—than in vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer. (It took more than 275 attempts before the researchers were able to obtain a successful sheep clone. While cloning methods may improve, we should note that even standard IVF techniques typically have a success rate of less than 20 percent.) So why would anyone go to the trouble of cloning? There are, of course, a few reasons people might go to the trouble, and so it's worth pondering what they think they might accomplish, and what sort of ethical

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Physics of Incandescent Light bulbs :: physics light bulb

The incandescent light bulb, since its fairly recent invention, has quickly become a basic essential of modern technological life as we know it. It took many years to create an practical bulb despite the simplicity of its structure. I believe a majority of us take them completely for granted as a normal part of life. Early man knew the sun as his lightsource and when the sun set, he knew the moon and the stars. As his intelligence increased and he learned about the world in which he lived he became associated with fire. Fire could be used for warmth, cooking, protection, and light. Man lived with this for years, elaborating and improving the way the fire was created and burned for light, until the year of 1809 when one man, an English chemist by the name of Humphrey Davy began the search for a usable incandescent light source using electricity. Using a high powered battery to induce a current between two high powered strips he produced an intense incandescent light, which became known as the first arc lamp. Although it was a first step it was not yet a practical light source. The first known attempt to make a actual bulb didn't come until 1920 when Warren De la Rue enclosed a coil of platinum wire in an evacuated tube and passed an electrical current through it. Although a platinum light bulb was not practical the idea behind his design was. A metal with a high melting point to achieve high temperature and thus bright light, as well as an evacuated tube that contained less particles to react with the metal and thus an elongated bulb life. Throughout the next few decades scientists labored to create their "efficient" light bulb. Their main hurdle was finding a low cost, long lived, high temperature filament material that would glow with high intensity. In 1879 two scientist, Joseph Wilson Swan and Thomas A Edison, had independent breakthroughs for a longer lasting incandecent bulb with their use of a carbon fiber filament derived from cotton. It lasted a maximum of 13.5 hours. In 1880 Edison also developed a filament derived from bamboo which lasted up to 1200 hours. This was good, but to create a truly efficient bulb something different was need to creae a filament with very high temperatures but without degeneration and loss of heat. Many elements were experimented with, a few of the most popular which were carbon, osmium, and tantalum.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Comparative analysis of political participation Essay

The change in political participation is currently a hotly discussed topic. Low turnouts in the 2001 and 2005 UK general elections, along with falling membership of political parties have led political organisations to discover the reasons for this (BBC, 2006). One method is to use comparative analysis. This â€Å"is about comparing aspects of countries’ political systems† (Dobson, 2005, p.140) to try to understand why a phenomenon occurs in one country or time period but not in another. This essay looks at two factors, which evidence suggests affect political participation: gender and socio-economic standing. It examines whether comparative analysis is a useful tool for studying this topic. It concludes that whilst comparative politics is helpful at identifying participation trends, it is too simplistic to provide practical answers and that further studies are required to reveal useful outcomes. Historically, conventional ways for citizens to participate in politics were by voting in elections and joining a political party. The decline in these activities has led some to believe there is political apathy in Britain. However Helena Kennedy (cited by White, 2006, p.4), chair of the Commission which produced the Power to the People report (2006) denies this, saying that despite â€Å"no longer want[ing] to join a party or get involved in formal politics,† people instead take direct action by raising money for charities, joining protest marches, signing petitions and undertaking volunteering work within their communities. The possibility for differing definitions of key outcomes is a disadvantage for comparative analysis. A study that defines participation in terms such as voting or contacting politicians will conclude that political participation has decreased and supports the political apathy theory, whereas, a study such as the Citizen Audit (2001), using â€Å"unorthodox† definitions, such as membership of political organisations (anything from trade unions to community groups) or financially supporting activist organisations, find that participation is still strong. The Citizen Audit â€Å"found that approximately 40 per cent of adults belong to at least one political organisation† (Smith, 2005, p.83)  and â€Å"there is little evidence of widespread apathy† (Smith, 2005, p.84). When trying to create policies to increase political participation, these conflicting results are unhelpful. Following a 2002 European Union directive, which required member states to â€Å"promote equality in relation to sexual orientation, age and religion in addition to race, gender and disability† (Squires, 2005, p.119), European governments began to initiate changes to the way women were represented within parliament. Governments did not necessarily choose the same initiatives and comparative analysis is useful to identify quickly the comparative success of each government’s initiatives. (See table 1, Appendix). Political systems are hugely complex and as Dobson states; â€Å"Each day most of us find ourselves describing, explaining and predicting something. Comparative politics is no more, then, than carrying out these apparently basic human activities in the context of what we are calling ‘political worlds’ † (Dobson, 2005, p.143). Comparing what happens in different countries or different political systems enables the analysis of differences and similarities and thereby, identifying factors that can be applied generally to simplify complex systems. For example Table 1 shows that Nordic countries have significantly higher levels of female participation in comparison to the UK. A policy maker, looking to increase participation by UK women, can then look at why there is such a large disparity between the two countries and whether there is something the UK could learn from Nordic policy. This illustrates another advantage of comparative study; it gives opportunity to expand one’s knowledge of political worlds. For comparison there must be at least two things to compare which must be evidently different. In political comparison, this is often two different countries and even if one is one’s own, the other will not be and â€Å"if we assume that knowledge of others is a prerequisite for finding our way around, and managing, a globalizing world, then comparative politics seems to be of increasing practical importance† (Dobson, 2005, p.143). Expanding one’s knowledge is generally auspicious and simplifying complex  information is usually advantageous although over simplification is a risk. Table 2 shows the same information as table 1 but for the elections that were held closest to the time of the aforementioned EU directive. Figure 1 shows the percentage point difference between both elections. Using this information, that same policy maker may feel that focussing on France’s policies would be of much greater value than that of the Nordic countries as, in only 10 years, France has almost doubled the amount of women who hold parliamentary seats. Comparing and ranking countries can be useful but, as illustrated here, it is only part of a story and great care must be taken when interpreting comparative data. Oversimplification is a distinct risk of comparative analysis. It is possible to mitigate the risk by undertaking more study, producing more data and a more sophisticated and detailed analysis to guide forecasting or policy change. It is important that one considers this potential issue when working with conclusions drawn from comparative analysis. In 2005 the Electoral Commission produced a research report, Social Exclusion and Political Engagement. Its aim was to explore â€Å"why those experiencing social disadvantage tend to also be the most politically excluded in society.† (Electoral Commission, 2005) Looking at the aim of this report highlights an advantage of using comparative politics but also a disadvantage. The advantage is that it allows testing of hypotheses; in this case, those who experience social disadvantage are more likely to be politically excluded. By comparing different circumstances, one can find out what factors affect the political situation in a country, giving an idea as to what particular social/financial or other conditions might give rise to say, reform or revolution in the future. The possibility to predict outcomes is especially important for politicians; â€Å"the possibility of knowing that under certain social conditions, policy X will produce outcome Y† (Dobson, 2005, p.144) all ows them to make informed policy decisions. The disadvantage is that in research, subjectivity and objectivity can sometimes be lost. Baxter, (cited by Dobson, 2005, p.146) points out; â€Å"Research is not a wholly objective activity carried out by detached scientists. It is a social activity powerfully affected by the researcher’s  own motivations and values.† In this case, the researcher(s) has(ve) already taken on the axiom that those with social disadvantages are politically excluded. This does not necessarily mean that conclusions drawn by social scientists are useless it just means that it is important that anyone working with these conclusions is aware that they â€Å"might be ‘contaminated’ by their [comparative scientists’] own motivations and values† (Dobson, 2005, p.154). The report drew together much information on the subject and found that the ‘working class’ (C2DEs) were 21 percentage points less likely to vote than the ‘middle class’ (ABC1), 60% to 41%. It also found â€Å"ABC1s twice as likely as C2DEs to take advantage of the opportunity to contact their elected representatives: two-thirds of those who present their views to their councillors or MPs are ABC1s†¦ Political activism is higher among ABC1s than C2DEs (23% as compared to 7%). Across a range of different activities which could still be defined as ‘political’, there is a correlation with class and income†¦ those in the lowest social class, the poorest in society and the less educated were less likely to be politically active than those who are in a higher social class† (Electoral Commission, 2005, p.9). This gives a lot of interesting information and seems to make it clear that there is a correlation between social class and political participation but then it could be argued that it does not really say anything useful. It illustrates a difference but it does not give any reason for this difference. It does not give any principles that one could draw from the comparisons to enable one to make wider or more generalised conclusions about what would lessen the gap. Anyone using the data runs the risk of putting their own interpretation on the results, as stated by Lewis (cited in Dobson, 2005, p.157) â€Å"the development of the comparatives’ tools seems to involve the interpretation of political reality rather than its simple and problem-free observation†. The other difficulty with this is that people interpret things in different ways and one person’s interpretation of these results might not be another’s. This runs the risk of further confusion rather tha n clarifying issues. To conclude, Dobson asks; â€Å"Whether, despite their peculiarities, we can build  theories for comparing political worlds that will enable us to offer general truths about them. Or are we only ever able to tell stories about them – stories rich in specific detail but devoid of generalizable truths?† (Dobson, 2005, p.140). Comparative analysis is a key tool in identifying trends in participation. It also allows for the testing of hypothesis and for simplification of complicated data, with the possibility of expanding ones knowledge; all notable advantages. However, the disadvantages of contamination and misinterpretation along with the possibility for over simplification reveal crucial limitations, meaning that comparative analysis offers little in the way of definitive predictions about or practical answers which could influence political participation. References BBC, 2006. Political system faces ‘meltdown’. BBC UK Politics. Available at: [Accessed 3 December, 2014]. Electoral Commission, 2005. Available at: [Accessed 4 December, 2014]. Dobson, A., Story telling and theory building: comparing political worlds. In: Lewis, P ed. 2005. Exploring Political Worlds. Milton Keynes, The Open University Smith, M., Taking part in politics. In: Lewis, P ed. 2005. Exploring Political Worlds. Milton Keynes, The Open University Squires, J., Common citizenship and plural identities: the politics of social difference. In: Lewis, P ed. 2005. Exploring Political Worlds. Milton Keynes, The Open University White, I., Power Inquiry, 2006. Power to the People: the report of Power, an Independent Inquiry into Britain’s Democracy. – Commons Library Standard Note, Power to the People: the report of Power, an Independent Inquiry into Britain’s Democracy. – Commons Library Standard Note. Available at: [Accessed 3 December, 2014]. Whiteley, P.F., Pattie, C. and Seyd, P., Citizen Audit of Great Britain, 2000-2001 [computer file]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Archive [distributor], March 2005. SN: 5099,

Monday, September 16, 2019

Great Escape

Having wasted enormous resources on recapturing Allied prisoners of war (POWs), the Germans move the most determined to a new, high-security prisoner of war camp. The commandant, Luftwaffe Colonel von Luger, tells the senior British officer, Group Capt Ramsey, â€Å"There will be no escapes from this camp. † Ramsey replies that it is their duty to try to escape. After several failed escape attempts on the first day, the POWs settle into the prison camp. Gestapo and SS agents bring Squadron Leader Roger Bartlett (RAF) to the camp and deliver him to von Luger. Known as â€Å"Big X,† Bartlett is the principal organizer of escapes and Gestapo agent Kuhn orders that he be kept under the most restrictive permanent security confinement, which Col. von Luger, disgusted by the Nazis and the SS, only makes a â€Å"note† of, treating the command with complete contempt. As Kuhn leaves, he warns Bartlett that if he escapes again, he will be shot. Bartlett is then placed with the rest of the POWs, rather than the restrictive holding that Gestapo agent Kuhn had demanded. Locked up with â€Å"every escape artist in Germany†, Bartlett immediately plans the greatest escape attempted—tunnels for breaking out 250 prisoners. The intent is to â€Å"confuse, confound and harass the enemy† to the point that as many troops and resources as possible will be wasted on finding POWs instead of being used on the front line. Teams are organized to tunnel, make civilian clothing, forge documents, procure contraband materials, and prevent guards from discovering their work. Flight Lieutenant Hendley, an American in the RAF, is â€Å"the scrounger† who finds what the others need, from a camera to clothes and identity cards. Australian Flying Officer Louis Sedgwick, â€Å"the manufacturer,† makes tools such as picks for digging and bellows for pumping air into the tunnels. Flight Lieutenant Danny Velinski and William â€Å"Willie† Dickes are â€Å"the tunnel kings† in charge of making the tunnels. Eric Ashley-Pitt of the Royal Navy devises a method of hiding bags in the prisoners' trousers and spread dirt from the tunnels over the camp, under the guards' noses. Forgery is handled by Flight Lieutenant Colin Blythe, who becomes nearly blind from intricate work by candlelight. Hendley takes it upon himself to be Blythe's guide in the escape. The prisoners work on three tunnels simultaneously, â€Å"Tom,† â€Å"Dick† and â€Å"Harry. Work on Harry and Dick is stopped so that more work can be performed on Tom. The work noise is covered by the prisoner choir led by Flt Lt Cavendish. USAAF Captain Virgil Hilts, â€Å"The Cooler King,† irritates guards with frequent escape attempts and irreverent behavior. While in the cooler, he befriends a young RAF Flying Officer named Archibald Ives, and the two strike up a plan to escap e; they are caught while attempting it and returned to the cooler. The experience seems to take a toll especially on Ives, who is close to an emotional breakdown from his time in captivity. While the British POWs enjoy a 4th of July celebration organized by the three Americans, the guards discover tunnel Tom. The mood drops to disappointment and pushes Ives over the edge. He is drawn to the barbed wire that surrounds the camp and, in a final act of desperation, climbs it in view of guards. Hilts runs to stop him but is too late, and Ives is machine-gunned dead near the top of the fence. The prisoners switch their efforts to Harry. Hilts, aggrieved by the loss of his friend, agrees to change his plan and reconnoiter outside the camp and allow himself to be recaptured. The information he brings back is used to create maps showing the nearest town and railway station. End of the real â€Å"Harry† tunnel (on the other side of the road) showing how it doesn't reach the cover of the trees Entrance of the tunnel â€Å"Harry† showing scale of distance to far end of tunnel The last part of the tunnel is completed on the night of the escape, but is 20 feet short of woods which are to provide cover. Danny nearly snaps from claustrophobia and delays those behind him, but is helped by Willie. Seventy-six escape. After attempts to reach neutral Switzerland, Sweden, and Spain, almost all the POWs are recaptured or killed. Hendley and Blythe steal an airplane to fly over the Swiss border, but the engine fails and they crash-land. Soldiers arrive. Blythe, his eyesight damaged, stands and is shot. Hendley waves and shouts â€Å"don't shoot†, and is captured as Blythe dies. Cavendish, having hitched a ride in a truck, is captured at a checkpoint, discovering another POW, Haynes, captured in his German soldier disguise. Bartlett is recognized in a crowded railroad station by Gestapo agent Kuhn. Another escapee, Ashley-Pitt, sacrifices himself when he kills Kuhn with Kuhn's own gun, and soldiers then shoot and kill him. In the commotion, Bartlett and MacDonald slip away but they are caught while boarding a bus after MacDonald blunders by replying in English to a suspicious Gestapo agent who wishes them â€Å"Good luck†. Hilts steals a motorcycle, is pursued by German soldiers, jumps a barbed wire fence but becomes entangled in another and is captured, he escapes execution as a spy by showing them the airforce label on his shirt. Three truckloads of captured POWs go down a country road and split off in three directions. One truck, containing Bartlett, MacDonald, Cavendish, Haynes and others, stops in a field and the POWs are told to get out and â€Å"stretch their legs. † They are shot dead. In all, fifty escapees are murdered. Hendley and nine others are returned to the camp. Von Luger is relieved of command of the prison camp and is driven away by the SS for failing to prevent the breakout. Only three make it to safety. Danny and Willie steal a rowboat and proceed downriver to the Baltic coast, where they board a Swedish merchant ship. Sedgwick steals a bicycle, then rides hidden in a freight train boxcar to France, where he is guided by the Resistance to Spain. Hilts is brought back alone to the camp and taken to the cooler. Lieutenant Goff, one of the Americans, gets Hilts's baseball and glove and throws it to him when Hilts and his guards pass by. The guard locks him in his cell and walks away, but momentarily pauses when he hears the familiar sound of Hilts bouncing his baseball against a cell wall. The film ends with this scene, under the caption,

Sunday, September 15, 2019

I Died for Beauty Essay

In this poem the spirits of beauty and truth communicates until they are forgotten. The dialogue initiated between the two representatives demonstrates their recognition of each other, but that they are also subject to the constraints of time, when their ‘lips’ are stopped by ‘moss’ Enjambment- first verse uses enjambment giving the lines a flow, gives a subtle effect Allegory- death and truth are personified Personification- truth and death are given charactristics, beauty Similie- ‘and so, as kinsmen met a night’ Metaphor- ‘we brethren are’ he said’ Imagery- description of moss covering lips and names Summary- The poem â€Å"I died for Beauty—but was scarce†, is about two dead people having a conversation about their previous lives. One of them died for truth, one of them died for beauty. They talk and at the end of the poem, moss comes and covers up the names on the tombs. â€Å"I died for Beauty—but was scarce†, by Emily Dickinson is a poem about death and man’s insignificance over the course of time. Set in a tomb, the first stanza opens up the poem introducing two different characters, both of whom are dead. The first person introduced is the narrator who has died a recluse, and did not conform to society when she was alive. This is seen in the first line, the word â€Å"scarce† which means to be absent or elusive. Clearly the narrator was scarce in her life and when she died, all her non-conformity was ignored, and in line two, she was â€Å"Adjusted in the Tomb†. Adjusted can mean: to adapt or conform. Simply being buried in a tomb is an epitome of societal conformation. This is just part of the death theme, and man’s insignificance because after a lifetime of recluse, it only takes her death for her to conform; or, perhaps, made to be conformed. The second half of the first stanza introduces and quickly describes a new character, immediately naming him â€Å"One who died for Truth†. The narrator introduces the new character with a more honorable tone, using less harsh and more eloquent vocabulary. The tone seems slightly softer as if the narrator feels that this person died for a good cause, unlike themselves. Yet, the insignificance shows through when the two dead characters, seemingly unequal in the narrator’s view, are placed in adjoining rooms, separated, and yet still on the same level. Clearly the theme of death is still apparent in this second half of the stanza, and the insignificance of man is more apparent as well. In the second stanza, the two characters speak together and tell their story of how they died. The first line shows a bit of good tone to the One who died for Truth, as he softly asks the narrator a curious question. The question, â€Å"Why I failed? is very important because of the word choice. The fact that both of them did not succeed in their lives at the goals that they were trying to finish. Towards the end of the conversation, the One who died for Truth tells the narrator that both their causes are the same after death, and that they have that in common. This is an interesting point that the One who died for Truth makes, and it once again furthers the id ea that after death, what was done on Earth was insignificant and that all causes one dies for in the end are the same. The third stanza is really overall, the most clear and apparent to the theme of man’s insignificance. Starting from the top, the two characters have established that they are equals; brethren and kinsmen. The word choice in the first line is also very important in the final stanza. In the quote, â€Å"†¦met at Night† night is used as a metaphor and represents death, furthering the theme. The second line also houses a metaphor; the Rooms. Discussed in the beginning of the poem, the rooms are a metaphor for social classes and acceptance. The narrator is placed in one room, and the One who died for Truth is placed in another. From the slight change in tone to the very character name, the new person seems to almost have died a hero. The new character is extremely socially acceptable, yet the narrator, who died an outcast, is not. The talking between rooms shows that after death, societal boundaries are no longer as eminent as in life. Finally, the third and fourth lines are probably the most vivid and easily-imagined pictures in the poem, and really set in stone the theme. The moss comes, and with its growth, the passing of large amounts of time is inferred. On the final line, the insignificance of man really hits a high note, and clearly the narrator is saying that over time, memories of people lost are slowly overgrown and forgotten. It doesn’t matter whether or not you are a great person or just a recluse; in death everyone is equal and equally forgotten. Overall, this is a good poem. I thought that it really hit home some valid points, about death and how people can be forgotten after they are gone. Aside from that Dickinson may also be trying to say that she didn’t like how people are forgotten, and though she may like the equality of it all, she doesn’t want people to be forgotten.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Scene 5

Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet are from two prominent and feuding families who reside in the city of Verona, a real city in northern Italy. As far as the audience are aware, they are their parents’ only offspring, the only other ‘children’ in the family are Benvolio and Tybalt, cousins to Romeo and Juliet respectively.As only children, their parents are naturally protective of them – Juliet’s father, especially. Towards the beginning of the play, in Act 1, Scene 2, Paris asks Capulet for permission to marry his daughter. In Elizabethan times (when the play was written and performed), it was the job of the father to give away the daughter, as if she were a present or his property, rather than her own person.Rather than just give away his daughter to Paris, a young nobleman, kinsman to the prince, and someone who would be seen as a ‘good catch’ for a husband, he tells him: ‘But going o’er what I have said before, My child i s yet a stranger in the world, She hath not seen the change of fourteen years, Let two more summers wither in their pride, Ere we may think her ripe to be a bride’ From this speech that Capulet is protective of his daughter, and whilst he wants her to marry a fine man (she tells Paris to come back in two years), he doesn’t want her to grow up too quickly.It would appear that he has her best interests at heart. In the following scene, we first see the relationships between Juliet and her nurse and mother. Her mother seems somewhat out of touch with her daughter, having to ask the nurse to find her†¦ (‘Nurse, where’s my daughter? Call her forth to me’) and doesn’t seem to be able to talk to her daughter, other than through the nurse or in her presence ‘This is the matter:–Nurse, give leave a while, We must talk in secret:–nurse, come back again; I have remember'd me, thou's hear our counsel.Thou know'st my daughter's of a pretty age.. ’ However, she does appear to have some consideration for her daughter’s feelings and wishes, as she asks her what she thinks of marrying the nobleman, and to start thinking about marriage; she also makes her speech a little more personal by putting in some of her own experience (that she was a mother at the age her daughter now is): ‘Well, think of marriage now; younger than you, Here in Verona, ladies of esteem, Are made already mothers: by my ount, I was your mother much upon these years’ Whereas Juliet seems to respect her mother (first referring to her as ‘Madam’ rather than, perhaps, mum or Mother), she seems to be more at ease talking to her nurse . It would appear that Juliet and her nurse have always been close†¦ even to the point of the nurse taking over the traditional mother’s job of breastfeeding her child.She makes a reference to this in the same scene: ‘And she was wean'd,–I never shall f orget it,–Of all the days of the year, upon that day: For I had then laid wormwood to my dug,’†¦Ã¢â‚¬ËœWhen it did taste the wormwood on the nipple Of my dug and felt it bitter, pretty fool, To see it tetchy and fall out with the dug! ’ Above, the nurse talks of breastfeeding Juliet. This is, of course, very unusual in this day and age, but not quite unheard of in Elizabethan times. The fond fashion in which the nurse remembers this, however, seem to indicate that Juliet and the nurse have a strong relationship.The fact that she was breast-fed by her nurse rather than her biological mother hints that perhaps the nurse was (and is? ) more of a mother to her than Lady Capulet. The nurse also seems friendlier than Lady Capulet – by saying things such as ‘Amen, young lady! Lady, such a man as all the world – why, he's a man of wax’ and‘ Go, girl, seek happy nights to happy days’, she seems to be more excited about Parisâ €™s proposition than Lady Capulet. Act 3, scene 5 in some ways seems a distorted reflection of Act 1, scenes 2 and 3.Capulet has arranged to marry Juliet off to Paris, and once again it is Lady Capulet that has the job of telling her. However, the Capulets’ stances on Juliet regarding marriage have changed. Instead of wanting to protect his daughter from an early marriage, Capulet is now the one trying to rush her into it. Likewise, her mother, rather than asking Juliet for her thoughts on the matter, is telling her what is Going to happen. Juliet has just spent her wedding night with her beloved and now husband, Romeo. He has been banished to the city of Mantua for avenging the murder of his friend Mercutio.The scene starts on quite tense grounds, as Juliet has almost been caught with her lover, who is a sworn enemy of her family and faces execution if found in Verona. Simply Romeo being in the house is enough to create some tension – that Juliet is crying heighte ns this tension. Juliet’s mother shows herself to be a little insensitive by effectively telling her daughter that crying isn’t going to bring anyone back, and that it shows her to be a bit stupid: ‘Therefore, have done: some grief shows much of love;But much of grief shows still some want of wit. Lady Capulet then shows her ignorance of Juliet's marriage and feelings for Romeo by telling Juliet not to weep for Tybalt’s death, but that Romeo lives. Romeo is referred to as the ‘villain’ several times – this adds emphasis to the fact that the Capulets see Romeo as a bad person. Juliet mutters, aside to the audience, that she believes that Romeo and ‘villain’ are ‘many miles asunder’. This confirms to the audience that Juliet and her mother have opposing views. Lady Capulet continues, calling Romeo a ‘traitor murderer’ and threatens to send someone to Mantua to murder Romeo.The audience do not want to see Romeo be murdered, now that they can see how in love he and Juliet are. Shakespeare then very cleverly crafts a speech for Juliet that has dual meaning. ‘Indeed, I never shall be satisfied With Romeo, till I behold him–dead– Is my poor heart for a kinsman vex'd. Madam, if you could find out but a manTo bear a poison, I would temper it;That Romeo should, upon receipt thereof,Soon sleep in quiet. O, how my heart abhors To hear him named, and cannot come to him.To wreak the love I bore my cousin Upon his body that slaughter'd him! ’ The punctuation at the beginning can be altered to sound differently to the audience than Lady Capulet would hear it. It could be read ‘Indeed, I never shall be satisfied with Romeo, till I behold him, dead – [dead] is my poor heart for a kinsman vex’d’,where the kinsman is the slaughtered Tybalt†¦ or ‘Indeed, I never shall be satisfied with Romeo, till I behold him. Dead is my poor heart †¦a kinsman vex’d’†¦ where Romeo isn’t dead, just a kinsman (husband) vexed (in distress).She says that if she could find a poison that would let Romeo ‘sleep in quiet’, she would temper it. Whereas Lady Capulet would see this as her daughter wanting to poison Romeo and kill him, the audience may take it as her wanting to take Romeo’s troubles (i. e. their separation) away so that he can sleep peacefully at night. More observant members of the audience may also link this to the ending of the play, where Juliet temporarily poisons herself in an effort to solve her and Romeo’s problems. When Juliet says that her ‘heart abhors to hear him named, and cannot come to him.To wreak the love [she] bore [her] cousin upon his body that slaughter’d him’, her mother takes this as not being able to lay her hands upon him†¦ but the audience obviously realises that she means that it hurts her to hear his name and not be able to be with him†¦ perhaps even to get sexual gratification out of him. The audiences may well be shocked by these lusts that are well beyond her years – remember that she is only 13. The tension at this point would be building, as Juliet is playing a dangerous game by playing with her words like this.The indication that Juliet wants to ‘wreak her love upon him’ may also have been quite shocking†¦ audiences of the time would not have been so exposed to such blatant references to sins of the flesh. When Lady Capulet declares that Juliet’s father has arranged a marriage for her in a few days, the audience may feel a quick dropping sensation in their stomachs – for they know that Juliet is already married – and therefore cannot marry Paris – and that this means that the secret marriage between Juliet and her Romeo may be discovered.She also once again shows her ignorance of Juliet’s true feelings by being under the impression that the marriage will cheer Juliet up – not make her problems worse. She uses repetition of the word ‘joy’ here to emphasise what she presumes Juliet should be feeling. Juliet strikes back by saying: ‘Now, by Saint Peter's Church and Peter too, He shall not make me there a joyful bride. I wonder at this haste; that I must wed Ere he, that should be husband, comes to woo.I pray you, tell my lord and father, madam, I will not marry yet; and, when I do, I swear, It shall be Romeo, whom you know I hate, Rather than Paris. These are news indeed! ’ Juliet swears by Saint Peters Church and Peter too’ – Elizabethan audience wouldfind this blasphemous and shocking. She also throws her mother’s term ‘a joyfulbride’ back at her, and questions her parents wishes by saying to the effect of ‘I’mwondering about you’re wish to marry me off to someone who hasn’t even botheredto court me’ †¦ then downright defies them by saying that ‘I will not marry yet’.In Elizabethan times, daughters were seen as their parents’ (and especially father’s)property, so it would have been seen within Capulet’s rights (if, perhaps, a little unfair) to ‘give away’ his daughter. The last three lines of the dialogue are broken up strategically with commas, which drag out the speech and make it seem much more powerful and effective than if it was read without these breaks. The whole speech, whilst not quite being disrespectful, is defiant and directly challenges Juliet’s parents’ wishes.The audience will feel now as if the tension is coming to a peak, as society absolutely demanded that children abided by their parent’s wishes, and that even though the marriage can’t go ahead, Juliet will be punished for trying to prevent it. When Capulet enters, he appears in a fine mood, but this soon changes when his wife inf orms him of their daughter’s wishes. She says that she wishes ‘the fool were married to her grave’†¦ this is the first sign of the rift created between Juliet (the younger generation) and her parents (the older generation).Capulet enquires of Juliet's motives for not marrying Paris with the following ‘Soft! take me with you, take me with you, wife. How! will she none? doth she not give us thanks? Is she not proud? doth she not count her blest,Unworthy as she is, that we have wrought So worthy a gentleman to be her bridegroom? ’ Here, Capulet shows his apparent displeasure that Juliet isn’t thankful for her father’s arranging of this marriage – saying that she should be proud and count herself as blessed – this shows Juliet and her father’s relationship as starting to waver.He also says that Paris is ‘so worthy a gentleman’, but that she is ‘unworthy’†¦ indicating, perhaps, that he gives Paris more credit than his daughter. This shows the audience something about their true relationship and how much he values her. Bear in mind his conversation with Paris in act 1, scene 2 – where Capulet was protective of his daughter, and talked of her more like a person – whereas now he is ‘giving her away’ as if she were property. ‘Not proud, you have; but thankful, that you have: Proud can I never be of what I hate; But thankful even for hate, that is meant love. As we can see, Juliet's relationship towards her father is quite different. Even though she can’t like that he's arranged a marriage for her, she still respects him and is thankful that he has arranged a wedding for her in an attempt to cheer her up –because it was meant well. This makes Juliet, the child in this scene, seem instantlyvmore likeable to the audience – which makes anyone who tries to hurt Juliet seemless likeable. From the following person onward s, this person is Capulet: ‘How now, how now, chop-logic!What is this? ‘Proud,' and ‘I thank you,' and ‘I thank you not;' And yet ‘not proud,' mistress minion, you,Thank me no thankings, nor, proud me no prouds, But fettle your fine joints ‘gainst Thursday next,To go with Paris to Saint Peter's Church,Or I will drag thee on a hurdle thither. Out, you green-sickness carrion! out, you baggage! You tallow-face! ’ Capulet now starts verbally assaulting his daughter, due to her not wishing to have amarriage to a man she does not know forced upon her.After calling her illogical, hethrows her own words back in her face, mocking her, telling her not to bother thanking him but just to be ready to marry Paris – because he will drag her to the church regardless. He finishes by aggressively insulting her. The way Shakespeare chooses to rapidly change Capulet’s mood like this makesCapulet appear volatile and dangerous. The audience by this point in the play havealready grown to side and empathise with Juliet, so they will oppose anything thatthreatens her. As with Juliet’s speech, the punctuation drags out the long sentences in this block of dialogue, and makes it more powerful.The speech also starts in the iambic pentameter, which follows the rhythmic beating of your heart, but then goes outslightly towards the end†¦ this can be seen to show that Capulet is getting more and more worked up in his determination to control his daughter and starting to lose control. Shakespeare also uses direct address (‘mistress minion, you’) to make the speech seem more direct and focused; asyndetic listing to make his list of words to throwback at Juliet appear longer; poetic word-play to make the speech more interesting; fricative alliteration, and violent verbs such as ‘drag’ to make the speech more powerful.Until this point it seems that there may be a chance for Juliet to brush the wedding as ide and perhaps convince her parents to like Romeo – however, after this, there seems to be very little chance of that happening. The tenseness in the audience shifts from the state of Romeo and Juliet’s marriage to concern for Juliet’s welfare . After this outburst, Lady Capulet asks her husband if she is mad – although she doesn’t appear much of a mother, this may suggest that she holds her only daughter in higher regard than her husband does.It seems that perhaps this relationship isn’t quite as bad as it previously appeared. However, by trying to calm her husband, she may anger him further – this, coupled with the knowledge that Lady Capulet too thinks that this is perhaps getting a little out of hand, creates yet more tension. ‘Good father, I beseech you on my knees, Hear me with patience but to speak a word. ’ [She kneels down]’ Juliet now pleads with her father on her knees. The audience really feel the tens ion now, as it seems that the relationship between Juliet and her father are coming to the point of no return.Kneeling down is also a very dramatic and meaningful gesture -she is putting herself at her father’s mercy. ‘Hang thee, young baggage! disobedient wretch! I tell thee what: get thee to church o' Thursday,Or never after look me in the face:Speak not, reply not, do not answer me;My fingers itch. Wife, we scarce thought us blest That God had lent us but this only child; But now I see this one is one too much, And that we have a curse in having her:Out on her, hilding! ’ It is at this point that Capulet really loses control. At this point the audience may startwondering how far Capulet will go.He makes references to her being killed (‘hangthee’), calls her a ‘disobedient wretch’, and directly threatens her – warning her never to look him in the face again if she isn’t at the church to marry Paris on Thursday. Heends by ordering her to be quiet – repetition of imperative commands are used here for emphasis. He also goes as far as saying that he wishes she had never been born – a shocking thing for him to say at his child. After Juliet has put herself at her fathers mercy by kneeling at his feet, to be cursed in such a manner is obviously a huge shock to the audience, and the tension is beginning to peak.Tension has been sustained for quite a long period of time now, and the audience will most likely be on the edges of their seats in anticipation for what will happen to Juliet and how this squabble will be resolved. Luckily, at this peak, the nurse decides to join the quarrel, siding with Juliet, whom it was mentioned that she was close to earlier. She stands up to her employer on Juliet’s behalf, and tells him that he is the one in the wrong: ‘God in heaven bless her! You are to blame, my lord, to rate her so. The nurse feels that defending Juliet, who is essentially just a girl she is employed to mind, is worth losing her job, tells us a lot about how strongly the nurse feels about this girl. Capulet then tells the nurse to be quiet, and dismisses her as a gossiper. The nurse changes tactics slightly and becomes more polite and diplomatic, saying that she‘speaks no treason’ and asks him politely for permission to talk (‘may not onespeak? ’). Capulet, however, is still in a foul mood, so calls her a ‘mumbling fool’ andtells her to be quiet.Lady Capulet, whilst not being on Juliet’s ‘side’, speaks in her favour as she tellsCapulet that he is being ‘too hot’ – showing that even though her husband’s word islaw, she still cares somewhat about her daughter. There is more relationship-relatedfriction, as now Lady Capulet puts herself in danger of antagonising her husband. Whilst this isn’t friction between adults and children, it is still tension that theaudience may feel. Capulet then dives into his most intense, aggressive and fuelled speech – or,perhaps more appropriately, outburst – of the scene and perhaps even the entireplay. God's bread! it makes me mad: Day, night, hour, tide, time, work, play, Alone, in company, still my care hath beenTo have her match'd: and having now provided A gentleman of noble parentage,Of fair demesnes, youthful, and nobly train'd,Stuff'd, as they say, with honourable parts, Proportion'd as one's thought would wish a man; And then to have a wretched puling fool, A whining mammet, in her fortune's tender,To answer ‘I'll not wed; I cannot love, I am too young; I pray you, pardon me. But, as you will not wed, I'll pardon you:Graze where you will you shall not house with me: Look to't, think on't, I do not use to jest. Thursday is near; lay hand on heart, advise: An you be mine, I'll give you to my friend; And you be not, hang, beg, starve, die inthe streets, For, by my soul, I'll ne'er acknow ledge thee, Nor what is mine shall never do thee good:Trust to't, bethink you; I'll not be forsworn. ’ Capulet starts off with an exclamation (‘God’s bread! ’) and lists the times he’s cared for her asyndetically for impact and to draw them out.The actor could possibly raise his voice list item by list item here to build tension. He goes on to rant about how he has ‘provided her’ with a ‘gentleman of noble parentage’, and other traits so desirable in the Elizabethan era – building up Paris’s image, acting proud that he has been able to ‘catch’ this man for his daughter†¦ almost holding him in awe, even – and then curses his daughter for suggesting that she will not marry him. He refers to Juliet – his own daughter – as a wretch and a ‘whining mammet’.He mocks her by throwing her own words back at her – somewhat childishly as many of the things she hasn ’t actually said and Capulet has just presumed or exaggerated(such as ‘I cannot love’, ‘I am too young’ etc). This shows that he has little respect at her and is determined to get at her, regardless of what she has actually said. He threatens to throw her out: ‘Graze where you will you shall not house with me’ -he also uses the word ‘graze’ here in place of ‘live with’, reducing her to the level of cattle – and warns her that he is not joking about this by saying ‘I do not use to jest’.He then tells her that she is his property (‘And you be mine’), and that he can use her as property as he ‘gives [her] to [his] friend’. He finalizes the raving speech with his wish that she should die or live a life of misery (‘hang, beg, starve, die in the streets’ – a syndetic listing again here, used as if Capulet’s thoughts are so fuelled that he feels h e must rush to spit them out) if she disagrees with him. The audience, who side with Juliet, will by now have a deep disliking of Capulet. Juliet turns to her mother. Is there no pity sitting in the clouds,That sees into the bottom of my grief? O, sweet my mother, cast me not away! Delay this marriage for a month, a week;Or, if you do not, make the bridal bed In that dim monument where Tybalt lies. ’ Here Juliet wails to the heavens, before begging her mother not to disown her as her father has done. She pleads to her mother to delay the marriage for a short period of time – going as far as suggesting that would commit suicide. Ironically, at the end of the play, Juliet and Romeo die together in ‘a tomb belonging to the Capulets. The watching audience knows that she wishes to delay the marriage to give her time to think things over and sort out her marriage to Romeo – however, the audience also knows that Lady Capulet doesn’t know that this is the c ase, and that she probably thinks Juliet is being a little childish. However, her mother replies with: ‘Talk not to me, for I'll not speak a word: Do as thou wilt, for I have done with thee. ’ By refusing to talk to her daughter from that moment onwards, Lady Capulet effectively lands the fatal blow to the Capulets’ previously good stance with the audience.After Capulet tries to protect his daughter from an early, restrictive marriage, and then his wife siding somewhat with his daughter as she tried to gently calm him, their change in the face of the audience is quite remarkable. Romeo and Juliet are the ‘heroes’ and focus of the play; the older generation of the Capulets can now be seen by the audience as the villains. Juliet then turns to her nurse in desperation. Throughout the play so far, the nurse has been unwaveringly loyal to Juliet and has wanted for her only what she thinks is for the best.However, after asking for consolation and for a way to prevent the marriage, the nurse says: ‘Faith, here it is. Romeo is banish'd; and all the world to nothing,That he dares ne'er come back to challenge you; Or, if he do, it needs must be by stealth. Then, since the case so stands as now it doth, I think it best you married with the county. O, he's a lovely gentleman! Romeo's a dishclout to him: an eagle, madam, Hath not so green, so quick, so fair an eye As Paris hath. Beshrew my very heart, I think you are happy in this second match, For t excels your first: or if it did not,Your first is dead; or 'twere as good he were, As living here and you no use of him. ’ Instead of her expected reply of consolation and a method of preventing the marriage and rejoining with her husband, the nurse reminds Juliet that Romeo has been banished and won’t dare come back to see her, at least not without it being in secret. She continues, saying that she believes that in the current light of things, it would be best for Juliet to marry Paris, this man who, although noble, barely knows her, if it all.She compares Romeo to a dishcloth and Paris to an eagle – quite offensive and complementary comparisons respectively. Even though the nurse is talking sense, this is not what the audience want to hear at this point. By telling Juliet that she should leave someone that the audience love for someone that her father is forcing her to marry on threats of violence makes her almost as bad has the Capulets. The next few lines of dialogue are where Juliet and the audience finally realise that it’s the younger generation versus the older generation: ‘ JULIET Speakest thou from thy heart? Nurse And from my soul too; Or else beshrew them both.JULIET Amen! Nurse What? JULIET Well, thou hast comforted me marvellous much. Go in: and tell my lady I am gone, Having displeased my father, to Laurence' cell,To make confession and to be absolved. Nurse Marry, I will; and this is wisely done. ’ After check ing that the nurse truly means what she says (‘Speakest thou from thyheart? ’), Juliet exclaims ‘Amen! ’ What she really means is ‘so be it’†¦ this is the point where she decides to forsake any adult advice and try and sort things out for herself. The nurse doesn’t understand, but the audience does – this reinforces the idea that the way the younger generation and udience think is now different from the way the adults think. She still has respect for her father and her religion, because she says ‘Having displeased my father’†¦ ’make confession and to be absolved’ – or so it seems. After the nurse exits and Juliet is left alone, she makes one last emotional speech to the audience: Ancient damnation! O most wicked fiend! Is it more sin to wish me thus forsworn,Or to dispraise my lord with that same tongueWhich she hath praised him with above compareSo many thousand times? Go, counsellor;Th ou and my bosom henceforth shall be twain.I'll to the friar, to know his remedy: If all else fail, myself have power to die. ’ Juliet now renounces her faith in god, saying that ‘[the nurse] and my bosom henceforth shall be twain (split apart)’. There is another suicide reference at the end of this dialogue. This increases tension back from the level it sunk to after Juliet’s parents left. Because of the actions and words of the older generation in the Capulet household, Juliet is contemplating suicide. This makes the audience angry with the adults. After this scene, Juliet goes to see the only adult left that she trusts – Friar Lawrence.He gives her a draft of sleeping potion, planning to fake her death so that she can escape and be alone with her Romeo, at least until things get straightened out. Unfortunately, Romeo doesn’t receive Lawrence's message explaining the situation to him, and thinks that Juliet is indeed dead. In his mad grief, he rushes to the Capulet family tomb to take one last look at his late wife, and meets Paris there. After a struggle, Paris is killed, and Romeo poisons himself. Juliet awakes soon after, and after dismissing the Friar who comes to offer someform of consolation, gives her Romeo one last kiss, and stabs herself with his dagger.Afterwards, Capulet, Montague, Friar Lawrence and the prince meet outside, and the friar reveals the story to all parties. Only at the end, after their offspring are dead, do they realise their errors. Act 3 scene 5 affects the rest of the play quite dramatically. If marriage wasn’t aboutto be forced upon Juliet, she wouldn’t have needed to take quite such drastic steps to reunite herself with her secret husband, and the deaths of Romeo, Paris and Juliet could all have been avoided.All that Capulet needed to do was to ask his daughter of her opinion before arranging her to be married, or for Lady Capulet to respectJuliet's wishes to delay the marr iage for a month so that she could get thingsstraightened out. In the end, the feuding families of Montague and Capulet finally settle their differences, at a price – as prince states at the end of act 5, For never was a story of more woeThan this of Juliet and her Romeo. ’ To put the play into context, readers must understand some things about Elizabethansociety.Elizabethan society was what is known as a patriarchal society – that is, a societygoverned by men. Women had very little individual power or influence, and fatherswere seen as the head of the household and were to be obeyed. Daughters wereregarded as possessions of their fathers – something that could be ‘given away’ to acandidate that the father decrees as suitable. This would have made Juliet's arguing with her father very unorthodox and shocking –woman, arguing with her father , the man who possessed her . Children wereexpected to obey adults at all time – their wor d was law.Adults and children didn’thave the sorts of friendly, easygoing relationships that they we enjoy today – childrenwere to obey and not have strong opinions or an unhealthy amount of free will – bothof which Juliet possesses. Religion was also a big part of Elizabethan society. Marriage was seen as a holyevent and was also a big family event. For Juliet to have had a rushed wedding withvery few people (and no family members) present would have been very unusual tothe Elizabethan audience. The idea of suicide would also have been much more shocking to an audience in theElizabethan era.Whereas nowadays suicide is seen as taking your own life,Elizabethans had the added shock of a woman going against gods will. Towards the beginning of the scene, Juliet expresses quite explicitly that she wouldlike to ‘wreak her love upon Romeo’s body’. In these times, people are quitesaturated with references to sex and love in the media, but at the time Shakespearewrote this play, the topic was considered taboo. Audiences would have beenshocked at Juliet’s seemingly ‘unquenchable lust’. However, the scene isn’t quiteenough to repulse the audiences – it is just enough to get them excited and feel asense of risk.I think that Shakespeare was successful in creating tension with his presentation of relationships in act 3 scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet. There is already some tension inthe play, which is built upon when Lady Capulet narrowly misses catching Romeo inher daughter’s room, and Juliet dangerously plays with her wording to give it dualmeanings. The relationship heightens yet more when Juliet defies her parents bystating that she will not marry the man her father has chosen for her, and reaches apeak as her father starts hurling abuse and threats at her.