Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Social class - 2037 Words

Name: Richard Kiau Course: Intro to Sociology Lecture: Shawn Vargas University Of Belize Date: 17/4/2014 We are aware that there are a variety of different types of stratification however social class is the main area of division in people. A number of different theories have been made to bring together an explanation on the ways social class is viewed and how society notices this effect. I will give comparison of Marx and Weber s perspectives on social class and inequality will be made, as we know it is quiet debatable on who s view is correct but I will compare and contrast the similarities and differences finally weighing up a discussion to see both sides of the views. The main difference†¦show more content†¦Weber made a significant difference to Marx s theory; he believed in groups with held a status. class was defined as unequal distribution of economic rewards where as a status group was an unequal distribution of social honor (Giddens, 1991, pg212) According to Haralambos (2002 pg34) a status group is described as a group made up of individuals who are awarded a similar amount of social honor and therefore share the same status stratification (Haralambos Holborn (2002), pg 37). In the present British Society social class is greatly influential on our everyday lives it affects each day of career, health housing. In Britain during the 1990 s there wasn t much of a great change in sources that a trend of class inequality being decreased. According to Haralambos and Holborn (2002) close attention was paid to the closing gap of inequality for example the socio-economic group attributes of employment was influenced by social class for many centuries. Repeatedly the working classes have only been given the chance to work in an unskilled occupation or one which was half skilled, given that their class showed their knowledge educational level they were unable to move up the socio- economic hierarchy, this matches Marx s idea of a culture with capitalism involved.Show MoreRelatedSocial Class And Social Work Essay1367 Words   |  6 Pagesof this assignment is to Examine the extent to which social class determines life chances in contemporary Britain, and explore the relevance of the issue for students on a social work degree. Within this document I will identify and explore key concepts and approaches in the sociological analysis of social differentiation in modern society. I will then use these concepts and apply them to contemporary britain in order to explain how social class influences an individual s life chances. I will alsoRead MoreSocial Class Vs. 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